About London

Hey There!  Welcome to Evolving Table!

It’s so nice to meet you virtually.  I’m London, a food lover and lifelong recipe creator who has been running this site for over 10 years.  I’m originally a licensed dentist (D.D.S.) by trade but hopped over to the food world as fast as I could.

A photo of London Brazil from Evolving Table in her kitchen with a pot of soup.

There’s nothing I love more than creating healthier spins on classic recipes.  They are always gluten-free, with many of them also being dairy-free and refined sugar free.

My love of science, research, and intense studies during dental school taught me how to approach every recipe as an experiment.  Add a little more spice here, tweak it there, and voila!  The perfect amalgamation of ingredients is born that boasts a ton of flavor AND loads of nutrition.

So you can be sure that every recipe you see here on the site has been tested and fine-tuned numerous times!


Texas has been my home ever since being born in a small town on the border with Louisiana called Orange, Texas.  Our tagline was “the last taste of Texas.” LOL.

The food we had in that region of the United States was unparalleled.  With Cajun and Creole influences from our neighboring Louisiana cities (where my Mom’s side of the family lives!), traditional Southern dishes such as barbecue and potato salad, to a heavy Mexican and Tex-Mex influence with Mexico just a few hours South.

Growing up I fell in love with the process of cooking and baking.  My mom even recently showed me a cardboard recipe book where I had hand-drawn how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, scrambled eggs, and Kraft macaroni and cheese.  I was 7.

Blog Story

My love for cooking never went away, even as I went through numerous years of studies about teeth and the oral cavity.  In fact, seeing teeth just made me think of food, and food made me think of cooking, and before you know it I would be off dreaming up what new recipe I would be making for dinner that night.

So during the last year of dental school I decided to try my hand out at this whole “blogging” thing.  I thought it would be a good way to share my newfound interest in gluten-free cooking with my friends and family.  (Not to mention, I’ve also always been the family photographer – so it was a match made in heaven!)

Healthy eating, especially gluten-free, still had a bad rap in 2014 with most people thinking you had to sacrifice taste and flavor in order to make a recipe.  Well it soon became my mission on Gluten Free with L.B. (the previous blog name before Evolving Table) to change people’s perceptions of healthy recipes.

So if you like healthier recipes that still pack a TON of flavor, then that’s exactly what you’ll find here on the site!

London Brazil in Cupcake Battles baking competition hosted by Justin Willman of Cupcake Wars.

Culinary Journey

Since starting the site in January, 2014 there have been numerous fun food events that I have participated in:

  • AFBA – Austin Food Blogger’s Alliance member since 2015.  Presentation given on how to monetize a food blog in 2017.
  • Everything Food Conference – Competed in Cupcake Wars that was hosted by Justin Willman in 2017.
  • Unbaked by L.B. – Owned and operated a vegan and unbaked dessert business during the year 2015.
  • Kitchen House – Taught cooking class in 2016.  (With this recipe –> Sweet Potato Turkey Chili)

London Brazil dental school gradutation.


Bachelor’s Degree in Business AdministrationTexas A&M University – College Station, TX

Doctor of Dental SurgeryUniversity of Texas Health Science Center – San Antonio, TX

Professional Career

  • 2012-2018 – Dentist.
  • 2018-now – Full time food blogger at EvolvingTable.com

Little known fact: I was also a car hop at Sonic- and yes, I did wear roller skates and had an iconic spin (because I didn’t know how to use the brakes LOL).

Brand Partnerships

I have been fortunate enough to have worked alongside some of the best brands in Texas and across the nation!


Online Publications

Current Status

You can still find me living and loving life in Texas – Austin, Texas that is, with my adorable 13-year old husky mix, Tevah.

I enjoy doing any and everything outdoors – from running around town lake, playing tennis, or cycling around town.  You can also find me cuddling up with a good book or vegging out on way too many episodes of RHONY and RHOBH.

And of course, a lover of almost ALL food.  (Can’t seem to get on board with squid or olives just yet.)

More About My Healthy Food Journey

Oftentimes I enjoyed a bowl of sugary cereal for breakfast and a PB&J sandwich for my lunch as a kid.

My parents both worked full-time so dinner mostly consisted of easy-to-prepare meals or fast food on our way to dance, volleyball, or piano practice.  Even through my college years, I ate the same way… because that was what I knew about eating.

At age 24 I was suffering from stomach cramps, gassiness, constant headaches/migraines, and just overall not feeling so hot.  I decided to give gluten-free eating a try.

After a few days, I was convinced that gluten was enemy #1.  For over 4 ½ years I was strictly gluten-free and encouraged others that it was THE way.

I was so passionate about gluten being the “root of all evil” that I started a site some of you may know called “Gluten Free with L.B.”  It worked for me for a few months, until it didn’t.

The stomach issues returned, the migraines remained, and I would still get crashing blood sugars on random mornings.  I soon had to face the reality that I had avoided all along… eliminating gluten was not my quick-fix.

It was more than swapping out my gluten-filled pretzels for gluten-free pretzels.  I began to realize that when I consumed too much sugar, dairy, or processed foods in one day I would feel pretty crummy.

For a long time I did not give the food, the fuel, I was putting into my body the credit (or the fault!) it deserved.  Food plays a MASSIVE role in how we think, move and feel.

That old saying “You put junk in, you get junk out” couldn’t be closer to the truth.

But… you must also find a healthy balance.  A level of nutritious eating you can maintain throughout eternity.  A way of eating that doesn’t consume your life but is seamlessly integrated into your crazy-busy-hectic-but-oh-so-amazing way of living.

And slowly, ever-so-slowly, begin to evolve… and adopt new and better eating habits along the way.


— London